Nov 22, 2016


Hi Friends! :)

Guess what? I got challenged, kind of! XD

If you follow me on insta, you'll notice that this past weekend I made the last minute decision to take up a challenge and enter a contest (details here). I just posted about it now, because the winner's been announced which are these beauties: 1st place, 2nd place.

It was the biggest debate I've had in the past 3 days (well before I submitted). Regardless of the result, I'm glad I actually did it just for the sake of scaring my ass, because that's what you do when you're 20ish, "something that scares you."

No, I didn't really know anything about it. Basically I was tagged on instagram by @chinguyen_fashiondesigner (while I was driving to work). I found it as I was leaving my car to enter the office on Wednesday morning, thought about entering it and making my base sketch during lunch (just in case). Then I decided to enter it, the evening after. I didn't actually realize the time zone these people were in. So at one point I was like: "oh but, it's over wherever they at because I'm here and it's Thursday afternoon. Guess I'll use this sketch in other places..." However they were really understanding and said just go off the time zone in my country. (ty ty)

The way this contest works is that a theme is given and illustrations designs need to be sent with respect the the assigned theme. For this challenge we were shown a floral print fabric that we had to render into our design sketch.

There were actually a couple things I learned and accomplished in doing this. For starters, this was the fastest digital illustration I've done in a long time. Also I felt like I did more free handing than usual this. It's actually pretty nice because as much as the computer makes things more efficient, it actually allows for OCD perfecting too (tip check our her foot on base sketch vs. the actual sketch) which makes it time consuming. Most importantly, I've finally established my main brushes to use for illustrating on photoshop. Which is awesome because I spend less time testing every brush, which wastes more time.

Bascially moral of the story is, if you keep thinking "I should do something", just do it and make it work. Thanks again to @chinguyen_fashiondesigner for the challenge and to all you kind likers and commenters on instagram (I woke up to 50+ of you the next day 0.0 now these 75 of you!).
You are all so brilliant that you light up my days ;) Now on to the next ;)

<3 Yna

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