Nov 22, 2016



Upgrade your tee to a sexy back of half knots. They move with you and they're just as cute as you and it's really easy.

If you're not much of a sewer I recommend some fabric glue on this one.

Here we go!

Lay t-shirt flat and fold in half (this makes both sides accurate and speeds up the process). Cut off sleeves

Cut shoulder seams along the seam.

Lay t-shirt flat but fold along the center front and center back.

Make these marks:
(A) Establish your lowest center back point with your marker (I normally like mine pretty low, if you don’t feel the same I suggest you try yours on before prep and mark a “mock” mark)
(B) Mark 1 ¾ - 2 ½” below armhole
(C) The corner of your back neck
(D) 3” from point C and every inch between

Draw half of a curved “V” shape on CB from point (C) (make sure your point hits the mark you made on (A). Then draw a smooth curve towards the side hitting the armhole (B).

Between your middle 2 “D” points, make another mark and a draw a line roughly in the middle of your new armhole curve and CB curve. Stop line roughly at the same level as armhole. Draw a soft “V” from the bottom of that line to your 2 middle “D” points.

At front shoulder seam mark 2 point 1 ¼” – 1 ½” front each other. Draw a smooth curve towards your armhole. As for front neck, decide if you want a curve or “V”. For curve, draw a ¼ circle towards CF.

Front design is a bit of UYTT lace up (front) #1-3. I actually ended up removing it, and making it a “V” because the straps came in too close.

After drawing all your lines, cut away.

Unfold CB and lay flat, note your inner straps and outer straps (you can mark OL, IL, IR, OR). Stretch the straps for more length (more the merrier)

Tie a half knot with your inner straps (IL & IR) and stop roughly around the bottom of outer keyhole.

Tie your outer straps (OL & OR) with a half knot, keep it loose.

Connect your IR and OR into a single loop (you can either sew or glue (sewers, right sides together). Do the same with your left straps (IL & OL).

Placing your loop on the wrong side of front shoulder strap, wrap the strap around loop with roughly a ¾” fold. Secure with glue or sew.

Try on your top, if you find your front neck coming in too close, you can cut more if needed (if it’s a “V”). If you curved your front neck, just let it cowl.

Remember send me your works and feel free to ask me any questions.

Have fun!

<3 Yna


  1. Wow, you did an amazing job! Thanks for sharing :)

    Check out my blog if you want:

    Tamara xx

    1. Hey Tamara,

      Thanks so much! I hope you enjoy it! Your blog is awesome :) Have a great day!
