Oct 2, 2016


If there is any awkwardness in my work, please forgive my fails. My illustration skills have gotten pretty rusty over the years, but I can handle technical flat sketches since my job consists of drawing those. The closest I've even been to actually drawing are my chicken scratch sketches and print developments, which I do at work as well.

I love digital drawing and painting on my tablet, actually I just got a new surface pro 4 a month ago. It's almost like learning how to use a new computer completely. Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator are the ones I work with the most. My new laptop came with a program called Fresh Paint which I actually used on my last 2 drawings, including this one. I'm still playing around with it but I'm a seeing some flaws and greats about that program. Occasionally I hit the pen and paper. Actually, I always hit the pen(cil) and paper, mostly to plan things though which no one really needs to see.

The one thing I forgot to take in account in this blog was all the website design work I had to do to get it going. It could get pretty tedious and technical, especially for a perfectionist like me. HTML codes have changed over the years. My Dreamweaver textbook has gotten more confusing than helpful. Now that everything is finally falling into place, hopefully getting into the routine of things gets a bit easier.

If you want to know more about me, click here. Otherwise. stay tuned for more drawing attempts and stuff from me. Follow my blog with Bloglovin

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